SPOSI is cultivate and promote the study, research and practice of Strabismology and Pediatric Ophthalmology, promote professional fellowship and social contacts amongst the members of the society, promote continuing education by organizing conference, symposia, seminars, workshop and refresher courses etc,
Dear distinguished members,
Dr. Elizabeth Joseph, our distinguished vice President will be the organising chairperson.
Abstracts for FPs, poster presentations, Interesting cases, video presentations alongwith topics for faculty talks, Debates and Controversies are solicited from the members.
We have collected quotations from a reputed tour operator, Alpcord.
The last date for submitting entries is 15th April, 2025.
Entries may kindly be sent to kid.eye2023@gmail.com mentioning the category.
A warm hospitality and a rich scientific feast in this culturally diverse city awaits you.
Dr. Elizabeth Joseph and the entire LOC are leaving no stone unturned to render it a memorable event
Kindly plan your itinerary in advance to help the LOC plan the event better.
Look forward to meeting you at Cochin.
Warm regards.
Pramod K. Pandey,
Strabismological Society of India.
As per Strabismological Society of India Constitution, elections for one post of Vice President are due to be held for the year 2024- 25.
Prof. A. K. Khurana shall be the Chief Election Officer.
1- The last date for filing the nomination as per the eligibility criteria for the post is 31.10.24.
2- The last date for withdrawal of the nomination is 15.11.24.
3- Elections, if required will be held on site on 8.12. 24 morning and results announced by the Chief Election Officer in the GBM the same day.
4- Incomplete applications shall summarily be rejected.
5- Prof. S Dadeya, Dr. P. Deshpande and Prof. Vinita Singh shall be the members of the Appellate Body.